Premium Hosting Package

Speed Meets Security, business owners rejoice 

Load Speed – Increase your conversion rates and customer satisfaction

This is the main focus of the hosting package. As a large, medium, or small business in this day and age, it’s very important to have a website that loads quickly. Studies have shown that for every 100ms a customer has to wait, you lose 1% of sales. This means that if the pages of your website can be sped up by 1-2 seconds, you are looking at about a 10%-20% increase in revenue for e-commerce sites. If your site is just informational, your visitors will engage more and be overall happier with your business

Daily Backups

Your entire site is backed up every single day, so an older version of the site may be revived at any time


As the one of the worlds leading content management systems, it’s not a surprise that hackers seek out to try and find ways to breach your site and perform malicious activity. Having premium hosting will make sure the latest security measures are in place to defend against this.



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